Because it was true luxury as space, Maxi Transat generous dimensions, perfectly adapted to the new requirements of comfort. Robust, ultra-compact and easy to clean, it's comfortable terrace, in the garden, on the edge of the pool as ... inside the house.
- Its advantages :
- Its dimensions, which allow him to play in the big leagues with the 65 mm more width.
- The ultra-compact folding, which makes it easy to move and store.
- His canvas Batyline®, which displays a lovely UV resistance, abrasion and tear. Especially designed for the outdoor furniture, it dries quickly. It is treated against mold. She also plays the sustainable development card with its Oeko-Tex®
- label (without toxic products for the body and the environment.)
- The absence of crosses on the front of the seat which ensures comfort.
- His four positions which are lockable for security racks.
- The range of colors allows it to blend into any environment. A mix without moderation
- His characteristics :
- Structure steel tube of 22 mm diameter
- Dimension closed L / H / D: 62 cm / 124 cm / 4.5 cm
- Dimension open L / H / D: 62 cm / 83 cm / 94 cm
- Unit Weight: 3.80 kg
- 2 years warranty